2000 – Rozhkova – Extraction of fullerenes from shungite

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Extraction of fullerenes from shungite carbon by water-containing solvents
N.N. Rozhkova, G. V. Andrievsky, L.I. Derevyanchenko, V.K. Klochkov, E. Shulyakovskaya
1st World conference on carbon “Eurocarbon 2000”, July 2000 Berlin

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UGS : sciROZ00 Catégories : ,


Detection of C60-C70 in the visible film within carbon-rich shungite (ShC) by electron microscopy and mass spectroscopy provoked of a large number of experiments on extraction of native fullerenes from ShC 1. Numerous attempts of extraction by conventional methods were not always successful. The latter supposed to be caused not only by heterogeneity of occurrence of fullerenes in ShC but mostly by way of interaction of fullerenes inside carbon matrix. Thus occurrence of fullerenes in ShC is still questionable 2. Nevertheless ShC is always remembered in connection with the problem of concentration and preserving of fullerenes and nanostructures in nature 3.

Recent achievements of generation of water soluble fullerenes (FWS) 4 prompt to revision of the approach to extraction of fullerenes from ShC. The difficulties in extraction were supposed to be connected with interaction of fullerenes in ShC by donor-acceptor bonds rather than hydrophobic ones which were was considered before. The present study was undertaken to check this supposition.




N.N. Rozhkova, G. V. Andrievsky, L.I. Derevyanchenko, V.K. Klochkov, E. Shulyakovskaya






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